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The Ashton cigar was created in 1985 in the Dominican Republic by Robert Levin with the support of the Fuente family. From the start, the cigars were a great success. Ashton announced the line called Virgin Sun Grown (VSG), this cigar once it is introduced it became the greatest achievement to the company. In 2005 the ESG (Estate Sun Grown) originated which is the luxury series from Ashton.
Ashton cigars are hand rolled with Dominican tobacco, flawlessly rolled with an American Connecticut shade cover leaf. the level of tobacco is medium-strength. cigars are nutty, creamy, perfectly balanced, good complexity and inviting aroma. This cigar got a good reputation and highly recommended by cigar lovers.
CAO Pilon it’s a top-quality leaf to create, to be specific pilons are carefully layered stack of tobacco leaves that helps ferment the tobacco to maximize the flavor and color of the leaves. Dating back to 19th century Cuba, this natural method of fermentation delivers a superior taste and appearance that can’t be reached otherwise. CAO Pilon taste sensation that’s brimming with flavors in the cigar like caramel, cream, roasted nuts, chocolate, espresso, honey, red & black pepper and smooth leather. It’s also a nice slow burner and lasts for ages. A classic cigar at a very good price!
Don Tomas cigars are hand-rolled cigars and the maker has been investing in high quality since 1970. They are well-made Honduran cigars blended with select Dominican, Mexican and Columbian Cuban seed fillers, wrapped in either a natural Indonesian or Mexican maduro wrapper. There are types of this cigar, Don Tomas Maduro Robusto is sweeter and more robust than its natural counterpart, Clasico. The Clasico features exceptional Honduran and Nicaraguan long fillers encased in a Connecticut broadleaf Maduro wrapper, In addition to other types of cigars. These affordable, well-made cigars have a near-perfect draw and burn.
This brand was established in 1890 by Don Francisco, the name of Fonseca is coming from a famous person who had his unique style of clothing and appearance. Francisco Fonseca has possessed his own style which he has applied onto his Cuban cigars which are covered in delicate tissue paper; making sure the humidity level is retained, the cigars are wrapped in a silk tissue paper that provides the objective of helping the cigar. Fonseca cigars are known as one of the mildest cigars among all Cuban cigars. In the beginning these cigars were produced in several different Havana cigar factories but now are produced in Quivicán which is a small town in Havana and the taste of Fonseca Cuban cigars is a mixture of sweetness and aromatic herbal quality and flavors.
Hoyo De Monterrey belongs to the oldest Cuban brands. The story of the name comes from the name of the tobacco plantation in the Monterrey Valley. It testifies that its founder had already grown tobacco five years before registering the brand. Currently, Hoyo de Monterrey cigars are valued for their great draft. They are more delicate than before; they are characterized by a great glow and a wonderful aroma and taste.
The Oliva Cigar story was introduced in the late 1800s, when Melanio Oliva began harvesting cigar tobacco in Cuba. His inheritors carried on the family tradition in the fields, but it was Gilberto Oliva Sr. his grandson, who commenced making cigars. He left Cuba in early 1964, and eventually started working for the Plasencia family in Honduras in 1995. The Oliva V series are Nicaraguan cigar masterfully rolled and blended to hand over an intense taste with delicious Habano Sun Grown wrapper. The tobacco has a wide range of unforgettable rich flavors like rich notes of leather framed by a range of coffee, caramel and woody intonations, with a huge variety of transient flavor notes to ensure great complexity.
The Quintero cigar brand was established in 1924 by Augustin Quintero and his four brothers in their hometown Cienfuegos, Cuba. The tobacco used for these cigars from the Vuelta Abajo area and all are manufactured using the short filler technique. All of this earthy and tobacco flavor are complemented by sweet and herbal accents. These cigars have a fine, medium and intense aroma that makes them perfectly suited for those who want to enjoy a real Habanos at an affordable price.
Rocky Patel cigars are crafted from High quality tobacco in Nicaragua and Honduras, gives this cigar pleasant earthy tones. the range of tobacco from mild to full strong produces a remarkable variety of flavors of dried fruit, cocoa, roasted nuts, cedar, white pepper, and coffee together with a touch of sweet creaminess, especially on the finish. All of Rocky Patel’s premium cigars remain in high demand by consistently scoring high end ratings in top industry publications. It is a great choice for both beginners and experienced cigar smokers particularly when you consider its very competitive price.
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